Is It Always Good to Feel Uncomfortable?


We’ve all heard about the comfort zone and we should go beyond that if we want to achieve significant happiness and success. Also, if we’re feeling too comfortable it means we’re not growing. It seems getting uncomfortable has been a requirement for growth and success.

Is it always good to feel uncomfortable?

However, discomfort can be classified into two categories: necessary and unnecessary. In career, business, sports and other areas where learning new skills is required, discomfort is often necessary especially at the start. There’s always that steep learning curve that makes us feel uncomfortable and causes some to give up.

What about the unnecessary discomfort? An example is tolerating a hot summer day and still pushing ourselves to the limit. In the office, this could drastically lower productivity or even get nothing done at all. In addition, morale would drop and the high temperatures could even harm people’s health. This is the kind of discomfort that’s often unnecessary and might even be harmful.

What’s helpful and often necessary is to cool down the area and get more things done. Once we’re feeling comfortable, we can then now focus on more important things such as coming up with creative strategies for our business or career. Once the physical comfort is there, it becomes easier to fire up our mental capacities to accomplish something great or worthwhile.

It’s one reason managers invest more in comfort levels and HVAC systems in commercial buildings. The returns on productivity and opportunities could be much greater than the costs of the equipment, systems and operation. If the entire system is cost effective while maintaining the desired comfort levels, it becomes easier to sustain and better justify the use of a quality HVAC system.

Here at ACG Commercial we design, supply, install and maintain heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in commercial buildings. We’ve already completed more than 5,000 projects and in each one we’ve adhered to the highest standards of performance and efficiency. Contact us today if you prioritise comfort and economy in your building.